Posts Tagged ‘Johnny Cash’

My Father and The Man in Black (2012)

Director: Jonathan Holiff

With: Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash

‘The untold story of Johnny Cash’

US Documentary    87mins

[youtube id=”MkNuVRct3U0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

Jonathan Holiff’s difficult childhood with his absent father Saul permeates this rather cryptic, meandering but heartfelt documentary on the man who dedicated his whole life to creating and managing the musical icon that was Johnny Cash.

After Saul’s suicide in 2005, Jonathan discovers  a cache of letters, photos and audio diaries in the family home that unlock undiscovered memoirs from the legendary singer’s long career, helping him to understand and bring closure to his troubled relationship with his own father.

Fascinating if you are a fan; this documentary will also engage those will difficult or unresolved parental issues. MT

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