Swiss Army Man (2016) | Home Ent release

April 4th, 2017
Author: Meredith Taylor

Dir: Dan Kwan | Castaways: Paul Dano, Daniel Radcliffe | Comedy | 97min | US

It’s hard to work out why two decent actors would get involved in the tedious exercise that is SWISS ARMY MAN, a title that immediately brings to mind a really world class piece of kit – the Swiss Army knife. Unlike the legendary gadget, the film version won’t be remembered, other than possibly for a lavatorial sense of humour as weak as the sphincters that form its focus. A bedraggled and querulous castaway (Dano) fetches up on a desert island where he finds creepy comfort in the flatulent corpse of a dead man (Radcliffe) whose post mortem bodily gases propel the gormless groper over the waves for a joy ride that’s about as joyous as death by drowning in slurry. MT

Lionsgate UK Releases Swiss Army Man on DVD & Blu-ray 10th April, 2017

DVD Amazon link:
Blu-ray Amazon link:

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