Boom! (1968)

September 20th, 2024
Author: Meredith Taylor

Dir: Joseph Losey | Cast: Elizabeth Taylor,  Richard Burton, Noel Coward  | Drama 118’

Well, the money is certainly up there on the screen.

There are few sights to be savoured more than several rich and honoured creative people making a bunch of complete fools of themselves, while that loud noise you can hear is of several hard-earned reputations imploding.

Marking yet another step in his seemingly determined efforts to totally dismantle the reputation that Joseph Losey had painfully established, he took his cast all the way to the isle of Capri with a crew including top cameraman Douglas Slocombe only to throw any credibility he had left straight out of the window as his expensive talent just talked and talked and talked. @RichardChatten


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