Vermiglio (2024) Venice Film Festival 2024

September 2nd, 2024
Author: Meredith Taylor


Dir: Maura Delpero | Cast: Tommaso Ragno, Roberta Rovelli, Martina Scrinzi, Giuseppe De Domenico | Italy Drama 119′

In a snowy mountain village high in the Italian Alps, largely untouched by the hostilities, a family gathers for breakfast. It’s 1944 and the Second World War is coming to an end, but for this family the trauma is only just beginning. By a stroke of fate a refugee soldier will bring tragedy of a different kind just as Europe finds peace.

Premiering in the main competition at the 81st Venice Film festival Vermiglio is an endearing classically styled drama unfolding in four chapters. A Sicilian soldier, Pietro (De Domenico), is hailed as a hero and the girls are excited, particularly Lucia (Scrinzi) who is drawn to this chance of romance in this isolated mountain setting.

Soon the two are in love but their relationship will change the village forever as deep-seated misogyny resurfaces both here in the far North of the country, and in Pietro’s Sicilian village where a secret slowly emerges. A beautiful film full of nostalgia and solid performances, Vermiglio has commercial appeal but nevertheless feels rather formulaic in picturing women trapped in traditional roles and forced to accept the strictures and errors of their menfolk. @MeredithTaylor


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